Subway Grate Bike Pump

This project idea is inspired by Jean Tiguely’s Homage to New York.


I will integrate an element of New York City’s environment into a machine that informs or adds value in a way that cannot be done by digital means. I have chosen the subway grate as my New York City element–there’s something mysterious and intriguing about that portal. It’s also a source of information about the subway system. Every time a train passes under the grate, a gust of air is blown out onto the sidewalk.


For this project, I will make a small machine that utilizes the wind from a subway grate. It will harvest the wind energy and use it to power an air pump for a bike. I will place small fans through the holes in the grate. As these fans turn, they will mechanically power the plunger of a bike pump. Any passerby can use insert the hose into their bike tire to fill it up. I could also convert the energy from the mini wind turbines to charge an electric air pump.


I like the idea of having this second machine use air to create air (albeit in a different format).


Related research:

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