Carnivorous Domestic Entertainment Robots

These five objects are common domestic furniture or machines. They are designed to be powered by microbial fuel cells. They trap insects or small rodents that are found in the house and convert them into energy that can be used to run the device.

  1. Mouse Trap Coffee Table (fueled by mice that go after crumbs)
  2. Lamp Shade Robot (fueled by insects that are attracted to light)
  3. Cobweb/Fly Stealing Robot (encourages spiders to build web on it; fueled by flies that are caught)
  4. UV Fly Killer Robot (fueled by flies that are attracted to the light)
  5. Fly Paper Robotic Clock (fueled by flies that are trapped on the sticky paper)

These projects are collaborations between James Auger and Jimmy Loizeau.

Carnivorous Domestic Entertainment Robots from Auger-Loizeau on Vimeo.

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