Leonardo da Vinci’s Inventions

Leonardo da Vinci's Inventions
via http://www.leonardodavincisinventions.com

Brainstorm – Homage to New York

timesquare lullaby machine: light sensors trigger music box or alarm clock (city that never sleeps?)   bridges connecting boroughs…   coney island freak show, board walk   turn-over of stores/restaurants every time turnover happens, change something in sculpture (track address/phone number changes?)   future-proof NY: city gentrification flooding? (global warming) terrorism?   future-proof NY: citizens ...

Brainstorm – Obsolete Things

tattoos fanny packs wallets glasses/contacts pagers carrier pigeons printing press analog clock/watch alarm clock/clock radio doorbell slides candles musical instruments encyclopedias the news money   everything that exists now, in 5 minutes


An essay by Flemming Fulch, accessible here › Ephemeralization by Flemming Funch, 11 Mar 95. Buckminster Fuller was very fond of the word “ephemeralization”, which he used roughly in the sense of “progressively accomplishing more with less”. A gradually smaller and smaller amount of materials and effort will accomplish more and more useful functions. We get ...

The Museum of Interesting Things

The Museum of Interesting Things
Saw these guys at Maker Faire; lots of cool old technology! Object on their site that has most potential for a thesis project: Pigeon Harness

MoMA Catalog: The Machine as Seen at the End of the Mechanical Age (1968-9)

Press Release: “The Dadaists’ ironic and frequently poetic use of machine forms, Klee’s early foreshadowing of the Surrealist fear of machines in the Twittering Machine …” “In an Interview In Duchamp’s studio In New York during his second visit to America In 1915 Plcabla said: ‘Almost Immediately upon coming to America It flashed on me ...

Cool Machines / Kinetic Art

Jean Tinguely: “Rotozaza 2” Jean Tinguely: “Homage to New York” Jean Tinguely – Homage to New York (1960) from Stephen Cornford on Vimeo. Theo Jansen: “Strandbeest”

Charlie Chaplin: “Modern Times”

Charlie Chaplin:
  Start at minute 6:00  

Twittering Machine by Paul Klee

Twittering Machine by Paul Klee
Oh my god… Is this what all of the steampunk Twitter artwork was referencing?  Am I a little late to this party, or a total genius for making the connection? Regardless, I smell a potential spin-off… via MoMA: Twittering Machine (Die Zwitscher-Maschine) Paul Klee 1922. Oil transfer drawing, watercolor and ink on paper with gouache and ink ...

History of Art & Technology

History of Art & Technology
Select slides from an online presentation on the history of art and technology from 1900 – 1975. Credibility of source = debatable… but this is good for a quick-and-dirty collection of inspiration and ideas that help articulate my thinking.


A new “Homage to New York” (a la Jean Tinguely) for the year 2050 What’s the “Utah Teapot” for Internet of Things? Utopia, Dystopia, “NEWtopia” Regular Show episode: all different types of messaging (answering machine, chalk board, message in a bottle, smoke signals…)   What do i get from a teddy bear that i couldn’t ...

Thesis Flea-search / Thrifty Saturday

Thesis Flea-search / Thrifty Saturday
I went out in search of materials for a project prototype, and what better place to look than a flea market? There’s everything under the sun–vintage toys, clothing, housewares, and tools… and they all have mysterious histories. Who used to own them? Where have they been? How did they end up here?       ...

Digital Sensors, Analog Sensors, & Radio Frequency

Thanks for the amazing tutorial/breakdown on this stuff, Joe Saavedra!   An object that has an input (factor, interaction, pollutant, sensed thing) and an output (sound, light, data, kinetic movement, color).   Digital vs Analog Analog Sensors Mercury Thermometer Button Any switch Potentiometers Analog Tilt switch — the ball rolls and happens to connect to ...

Phenomenological Approaches to Ethics and Information Technology

While doing my research paper, I uncovered a bunch of other resources that I think will shape my thesis. Right now I’m really interested in the philosophical perspective on technology/human relationships. I found a paper on the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy that outlines the thoughts on philosopher Don Ihde on this topic.   This paper ...